Sunday, July 4, 2010

the top of a hill.

When you don't have good connections in a city its frustrating. I'm sitting on top of this hill, looking out at the city I live in. I know there is heroin out there. Stashed in peoples houses walking around in their pockets, driving along the streets. I can see it, everywhere I look. I just can't touch it, I can't get it in my hands. Speaking from experience there tends to be multiple junkie circles in a single town. There is of course some overlap, but often these circles are blissfully unaware of each others existence. There is heroin everywhere you go. I've seen junkies is towns of 300 population. I know there's plenty of that beautiful black tar in this city.

So I'm sitting on top of this hill right next to my house. I'm sitting on the bench that I gave my wife her ring o. We did shit backwards. I knew that would come back to haunt us. I knew I shouldn't give in. We had already been married a couple of weeks when I decided she needed a ring. I went out and bought the nicest ring I could on credit. I brought it back to town, and met up with the wife. She had, had a bad day. I didn't want to give it to her when she was in a bad mood, but I was super anxious and excited to give it to her. I brought her on top of this little hill and sat her down on this bench. We talked, and I cheered her up a little bit. She still wasn't in the best of spirits but I decided to go for it anyway. I fumbled the ring out of its case, somehow not raising her suspicion. I was so nervous I was trembling. I don't know why I was so nervous. We were already married. I guess I just didn't want to fuck up. I was already worried about her not getting the type of wedding or proposal she deserved. I got down on one knee and I asked her if she wuld be my wife until the end of time. Of course she said yes. She cried, and her worries were forgotten. What a lying cunt.

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