Sunday, August 15, 2010

I'm a bad person

Okay, I'm not even gonna pretend like this is anything but a message to you mags. Stay away from me tonight. Do not call me, do not text me. If I call or text do not pick up the phone. Do not reply. If you're curious, I will tell you later, but I am a dangerous person for you to be around right now. Stay away.


  1. Hope you still alive and kickin it. I found your blog while searching Google for info on where to buy perks/oxy's in San Fran. I just spent some time reading some of your older journals. You write well. -peace out!

  2. like anonymous above i found your blog while doing a search for where to score H in SF as i will be there for the weekend and although i am not exactly traveling light the scene here in south fl is just pathetic right now so i was looking forward to a little west coast taste test. more than anything i just wanted to tell you that in reading your blog i feel like i am reading something i would write. i feel like i am listening to myself speak.

    anyway with the recent relapse i am quite sure you havent much desire to even bother blogging or to meet someone new while you are busy with the day-to-day chase. but i am you and you and you are me and we are all together. coo-coo-ca-choo.

    would be really sweet to meet, pick up and get high, but i think if it were me writing this blog i would never want to physically meet anyone - too much distrust - even though the game is so wide open and even open-air-market like to some extent everyone always wants to stay hidden while they shuffle through their days mimicking sore thumbs and the like.

    if there is any shot at a meet and greet i will gladly pay your way in some feeble attempt to brighten your day in exchange for the safety of not having to deal with the lecherous fringe.

    i see you havent posted in a while - hope you are still among the living.

    EZ - i will check here to see if you reply before my flight leaves with some way to contact you. if not no worries. be good brother.

  3. i have been looking for decent dope for over a month since i moved here, and have yet to find anything. i searched throughout leavenworth and the tenderloin, and have yet to get anything but garbage. if only i had you or someone like you to help me get something of quality, but i know thats not going to happen. i still check your blog regularly hoping for an update, and im sure others do to, so you really should continue updating. I hope youre alright and things are going okay for you man...good luck and take care.

  4. Guess you didn't get the job...

  5. so im going to frisco and found this webpage :)!
    cause im flying from Denver Colorado and going to be doing my last shot of dope before heading on the plane, cause its all Chiva here and we get them in baloons and its works like a pizza delivery sevice yu call a number and a mexican nation meets yu at a corner with whatever yu want white and black. Theirs the operator and the driver. But my question is im going to be arriving in Frisco around 5:00 pm am i going to be able to score fairly easy ??? i hope and is buying needles a pain in the ass??

  6. i hope yur chivas good ???
    cause the dope in denvers quite bomb bomb not that sticky toosie roll shit that has all the nasty cut on the spoon. ITs usually pretty decent brown sugar and the going rate is cause i have about half a dozen good mexican plugs thier usually 15 a balloon or 9 for a hundo, But my main guy is 20 a balloon and its always the fire and consistent and the white outta this world and they usually weight .25 all the time and yu can get grams for 80. My other beans that do 9 for a hundo weight about .17 and its kinda shitty i only go trew them when im broke yu know how it is. My question is what is the going rate ?? and should i only buy a couple baloons to start off with cause its gonna suck if its easy to score one day and impossible the next. Do the mexicans work like back in Denver??

  7. Any luck for anyone in the bay yet? Just moved here from seattle, and i'm a girl which makes the task even more risky. Could use help.

  8. I just moved here from Baltimore. And boy oh boy, the closest i've come to finding any good dope, was this webpage. sooooo muuccchhhhh taaaarrrrrrr SF. Geography is everything. someone tell the CIA to get all that Afghan shit over here. <3

    I'll keep hunting. I hope you are alive and working shit out. I always like to think that old junkie friends went straight and have their shit all together and laugh at us lunatics still copping on the corners and shuffleing abuot the streets. But I am an optimist at heart.

  9. wow i think im one of you. cuz i just googled the same thing about getting H in san fran since ill be there this weekend. nice to know im not alone!

  10. so. this is quite a page. haha. so, i guess there is no good dope in the bay? i oughtta know by now....been here a minute, never seen anything other than tar tho. shoot oxy instead these days...when im runnin that is. writing bc i have no one else to speak the truth to. no one in my life knows im using at the moment, and when they do i'll have to clean up again.

  11. you ever get sorted tycho?

  12. The good shit used to come in from Modesto. Salinas also had decent stuff, for closer to the bay. But I've been clean for almost 4 years, so things might have changed. Oh yeah, East Palo Alto had these guys with amazing black. I had to get it through a friend that ODd, though, so I lost that connection, but this stuff was unreal. Good luck guys; just know if you ever want to give it up for good, you can. I did.

  13. Im in the same position as tycho. Leavenworth, alone, with a vagina, is scary, let alone on 16th and mission... -.-

  14. I can help you. I've gotta place south of the city. reply here with contact info and ill help you

    1. I need h i just moved to san jose... Can u help 209 64853forty

  15. hey im still wondering what happened to you? there is alot of people out there that are in the same position as you so know that you are not alone! ive never shot dope before until i visited san fran over the summer. i looked up your blog and it really helped me and my girl find get throughour fears of it. i found the dope spot at eddy and levenworth. just be careful bcuz they try and give half grams for grams. its not hot there but alot of unrully people. just get your shit and go. i really liked the rush fron the tar, now im back in florida and cant get anything except pills. boring!! you can shoot them but its more of a waste then anything. anyway keep your heads up people and use clean needles so noone passes on their problems ok. ttys peoples.. and fuck xmas!!! lol

  16. Thanks for the info. I have been traveling-stuck in the bay area for about a week now and ran out of what I brought with me. Used your map and went where you said to go and scored easy enough. Only problem is the shit I got is pretty awful compared to what I am used to so I gotta get a shitload to keep from getting sick. If anyone can help me find better shit today I would really appreciate it. if you reply to this post I can send you my contact info.

  17. You are such a life saver. I'm one of the medical junkies needing to move to Haroine and until I found your blog I was scarred shitless of getting sick. My plan for today is to head into the City today and follow your map.
    I'm sorry about your split, hang in there though; I don't think they know how much they can hurt us. "A"
